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Recommended Coolant Pump

The 1/8 hp coolant pump will work just fine with coolant ring as long as the tube running from the pump to the ring is upgraded to a 5/8 ID Hose. This will make a big different.


The 1/4 hp coolant pump, is a nice upgrade from the 1/8 hp pump can be a direct replacement in the 1100 m/m+/mx models. The 770 m/m+/mx does require the fuse to be switched out for a higher fuse ( contact Tormach about making the change)  or a relay box to handle the higher amp load.


We now offer chip screen for the under side of the chip tray, we have found this addition a great way to help keep the coolant rings clean of chips and have the highest flow rate while achieving a 50 micron filtration level. The best way to keep the coolant rings clean of chips, is our upgraded coolant tanks with its dual filter system. I been 11 months and haven't had to clean the ring out, before we would have to clean it out every 6 months. 

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